Oct 6, 20172 min

Suit to challenge termination of employment on account on HIV status: Activists and PLHIV identify w

The suit challenging the termination of Mr X by his employers on account of his HIV status came up a fortnight ago  at the National Industrial Court in Abuja, and Activists including PLHIV were at hand to identify with the cause.  Persons from NEPWAN, APYIN, SOWCHAN, AHF, NINERELLA+, Heartland Alliance and ASHWAN flooded the court in show of solidarity. This followed advocacy efforts by Lawyers Alert in partnership with Enda Sante. The case of Mr. X, is lodged at the National Industrial Court Abuja by Lawyers Alert in partnership with Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC).

“PLHIV have the Right to Employment” adorned T-Shirts was everywhere at the Court premises. Mr X lawyers, Bamidele Jacobs and Sunday Adaji  of Lawyers Alert, were ready and prepared to proceed with the matter which was slated for hearing. The Defendants however sought adjournment to adequately prepare owing to late service of vital documents. The judge granted their request for time to prepare their response and fixed the case to 31st of October 2017 as the next hearing date.

Bamidele Jacobs Esq, speaking to Activists after the case.

Sighting the number of people in the court room with their T-shirts on, the Judge opined that probably at the next adjournment, hearing maybe in Chambers and advised supporters in solidarity to be within the court premises and not in the courtroom.

After the hearing, Activists converged in Lawyers Alert office, where Yemi Agoro gave a welcome speech and deliver the greetings  while  Bar. Bamidele gave the history of the case,  and update of what actually transpired in the court room.

Amber Erinmwinhe of NINERELLA+ spoke on behalf of the organizations and Activists present to appreciate the effort of Lawyers Alert in getting justice for the PLHIV community in the country and pledge  continuous support anytime the need arise.

#DiscriminationonGroundsofHIV #HealthandLabourRights #HIVandRighttoEmployment
