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Right to Life Initiative, a Key and Affected Population (KAP) focused organization paid an advocacy visit to Lawyers Alert on the 20th of January 2020 to discuss issues of mutual interest and strengthening of ties between the two organizations.


PROCEEDING: The meeting started at 1:10 pm with a welcome address by Mr. Victor Eboh Esq.of LawyersAlert. In his speech, he welcomed the team from Rights to Life Initiative and introduced lawyers Alert. In his introduction, he briefly described lawyers Alert’s focal/thematic areas including her ongoing interventions. He also thanked the group for finding LA worthy to Partner and collaborate with. Afterward, he gave room for parties to introduce themselves; starting with Lawyers Alert's staff and then the RLI Team. The visiting team comprised the Executive Director, Usange James Terna, Igoche Samson Jack -M&E Officer, Anzua Maxwell Matthew -Support and Paul Tarkaa Rack -Gender officer. After Mr. Victor’s address, the Executive Director of Right to Life took the floor. He gave a brief history of the organization; he stated that RLIwas formed in December 2019. He also expressed his joy stating that they had tried a number of times to reach out to Lawyers Alert and finally this is the time. They mentioned that as a start-up, they would need LA’ssupport in all areas. In his opening remarks.




Mr. Lazarus M Ahangba welcomed the group to Lawyers Alert and commended them or being a focused organization. He also charged them to be dogged and resolute as emerging organizations especially Non-Profits face a plethora of challenges in their early days. He commended their needlepoint approach to work considering the fact that most start-up organizations always make the mistake of being involved in everything from the start from climate change to Education. Mr. Lazarus M Ahangba went ahead to tell the guests more about lawyers Alert with a focus on its vision, mission, staffing, concentration on Human Rights. He further told them that we are willing to partner with them on human rights issues especially in getting access to justice. (Pro Bono services). He also mentioned that we work in SRHR, GBV areas, etc. he further explained that Lawyers Alert offers pro bono services only in human rights violations situations. He reiterated this position by defining the line between human rights issues and personal issues. On capacity building, he mentioned that Lawyers Alert has instituted capacity building sessions on Friday (in-house and external). He also invited them to join our Facebook live streaming sessions. He also explained that apart from human rights issues, Lawyers Alert monitors and documents human right violation. For criminal cases, he mentioned that since such matters are handled by the police we only watch brief. He also said that on matters where we can intervene directly, we do it speedily used Mr. X's case as an example. He also encouraged them to report violations and cases to us.Mr. Lazarus M Ahangbaintimated them about the difficulty of new organizations surviving in the Nigerian clime. Making an example that 1 out of 10 new organizations makes it in 10 years. He said that small NGOs have issues striving because they incur the same cost as subsisting NGOs. He further advised them to stay focused, build an identity for themselves especially online, he used Facebook as an example of a platform they can leverage on. He also encouraged them to build strong partnerships, build their capacities, and learn how to write proposals. He expressed his desire to see them succeed which was his reason for advising them. Mr. Jack asked if the confidentiality of clients can be secured in a court case and Mr. Lazarusresponded in the affirmative using Mr. X's case as an example. His response was resonated by S.P Ozobulu Esq and Victor Eboh Esq. who further reassured them that where the confidentiality of a client is necessary it will be done.

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