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Gender and Human Rights

visit to local community for sensitisati

Women will not simply be mainstreamed into the polluted stream. Women are changing the stream, making it clean and green and safe for all -- every gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, age, and ability.
-- Bella Abzug

Stigma and discrimination are the enablers of human rights abuse or violation against women and other marginalized groups. Distortions in gender relationships, inequitable access to justice, resources, and services are all fertilized by stigma and discrimination. Our gender and human rights programs are with the aim of challenging stigma and discrimination against women and other marginalized groups.


Lawyers Alert envisions a world of gender equality, equal access to resources and services, participatory decision making, equitable and equal treatment for all regardless of their sex, health, physical appearance, etc.

Thematic Areas 

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) – Gender-Based Violence, Trafficking, Early Child Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Girl Child Education, etc.

  • Sexual Minorities

  • Rights Based Approach to HIV, TB and Pandemics

  • Albinism

  • Disability Rights

Elections, Democracy and Good Governance

Democracy goes beyond elections and entails the protection of mandate by citizens. This translates to good governance which is about accountability, equitable, and effective use of resources in uplifting livelihoods and standard of living for citizens especially women and other marginalized groups. Maternal mortality rate, corruption, out of school children, etc are some indicators of lack of good governance and ineffective citizens’ participation.


Lawyers Alert envisions a world where the marginalized population participates in governance, the government is open and accountable to citizens, and resources are used judiciously and equitably for all.

Thematic Areas 

  • Budget

  • Open Government Partnership

  • Anti-Corruption

  • Constitutional, Electoral and Law Reforms

  • Election Monitoring

  • Voters Rights


Campaigns and Movement Building

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Lawyers Alert monitors and documents rights violations and its effects on vulnerable and marginalized groups in Nigeria. The analysis of these violations and its publications is a huge resource for issue-based advocacy including awareness campaigns. Over the years, issues have been distilled from our data on violations making the need for movement building on these issues critical towards mass advocacy in effecting change.


In movement building, we assess and build the capacity of small and medium-sized organizations towards empowering and networking with like organizations across the country. These enhance synergy and shared goals in addressing the issues by the organization and citizens.

Thematic Areas 

  • Decriminalization of Petty Offences

  • SRHR Movement Building

  • TB Community Rights and Gender

Security and Access to Justice

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."     

Martin Luther King, Jr.



Security and access to justice are interrelated. For the vulnerable and marginalized person, losing a bicycle or a bag of rice can make all the difference in the world. Security is, therefore, cardinal for marginalized groups if we are to speak of justice, in the same vein, the inability to access the courts because of cost or slow trials including lack of legal representation are all blockages to the poor and marginalized population in accessing justice.


Our security and access to justice program are geared towards unfettered access to justice for all, accountable policing, women’s rights in conflict situations, and dignified treatment in detention.

Thematic Areas 

  • Labour and Workers Rights 

  • Police Reforms

  • Community Policing

  • Women in Conflict

  • Prisoners’ Rights

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