Changing the landscape on TB laws and service delivery
Our primary concerns are the rights of TB patients and sensitization about stigmatization and discrimination against TB patients, including issues of laws and remedies for violations of the rights of persons affected by TB.
It is key to this focus that we engaged in discussions with His Lordship, Hon. Justice John T. Tsoho, the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court of Nigeria on the possibility of initiating a Judicial Dialogue involving Judges of the Federal High Court, Parliamentary members, CSOs, and international organizations working in the TB sector.
While commending our efforts in charting the course of TB rights in Nigeria, His Lordship
reiterated the Court's openness, willingness, and availability to respond and cooperate with Lawyers Alert whenever issues requiring the Court arise especially on the judicial dialogue within the bounds and limits of the law.
These talks and discussions are underway in our other project locations of Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Zimbabwe by our partners.