…...Laz Aule
Victims of the 2012 flood disaster that affected some parts of Benue State have formed an Association that seeks to mobilize to engage the Government of Benue State to rehabilitate and assist them financially from the flood assistance donated by the federal government and other bodies. Recall it is a year now since the floodsbrought untold hardship to several citizens across Nigeria, Benue inclusive.The officials of the association led by its chairman Zaki Ader Sese with his entourage paid a courtesy visit to the head office of Lawyers Alert on the 7th of August, 2013.

Zaki Ader Sese, Chairman, Benue Flood Victims Association
The group was received by the President of Lawyers Alert, R.A. Mom Esq and other Staff of the organisation..The Chairman of the Association Chief Zaki Ader Sese in his remarks said the aim of the Association is to enable the victims of the flood disaster to get aid from the government as a result of the disaster. The Chief reiterated the fact that the flood was a manmade disaster brought upon them by theNigerian and Camerounian Government by the release of water from dams. He argued Nigeria government was well aware of the release of these waters but failed to provide or make contingency arrangements to deal with the situation. It is only appropriate and right for the Government to adequately compensate and rehabilitate the people whose lives and property were destroyed or lost owing to the disaster he argued.
They therefore asked Lawyers Alert to aid or assist them in getting the government to resettle them. They expressed their confidence in Lawyers Alert owing to the recent Court case between the President of Lawyers Alert and the State Government over the relief funds from the Benue State Government.

Exco of the Association and Secretary
The President of Lawyers Alert responded by assuring the Association of the willingness of Lawyers Alert to work with them in the process of engaging Government in the rehabilitation and settlement process.
He suggested ways and means the association can employ in actualizing their goals and opined that the Association should endeavor to be all inclusive as the official number of displaced victims stands at over 4,000 households and 11,000 persons. He also suggested the Association engage Attorneys and other professionals to work with them.
The Association Exco and the Chairman in appreciation thank Lawyers Alert and promised to take the steps suggested and revert back.
The Association is in contact with the State Government.