Yet the nations demonising Assange preach transparency and openness, same reasons they want to put Assange away for
The United States and British governments treat Julian Assange like the ultimate terrorist threat.
Members of the London Metropolitan Police, wearing Kevlar vests, surround the Ecuadorian embassy, where Assange has taken refuge, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They occupy the front steps and entrances, they occupy street corners nearby, one police officer occupies a room in a building adjoining Assange’s room. Chris Hedges, a journalist and former war correspondent, said the Metropolitan Police spent the equivalent of $4.5 million in surveillance of Julian Assange just through January 31.
Behind the United Kingdom government is the power of the U.S. government. A dozen government agencies are working on the Julian Assange case. They have waged economic warfare and cyberwarfare to try to shut down Assange’s WikiLeaks operation. They interrogate and try to recruit WikiLeaks supporters every time they pass through a U.S.-controlled airport. Assange’s lawyers believe that Bradley…
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