Lawyers Alert with the kind assistance of AmplifyChange has developed a Documentation of sexual and reproductive health rights violation tool to be used by the lawyers and other CSOs serving the target population.
The tool was developed in consultation women, community members and other stakeholders. The Consultant validated the tool with the community in the course of its development. The tool has been upgraded to a web Application to aid the capturing of violations by CSOs, CBOs and other stakeholders working and networking with Lawyers Alert on the internet.
The tool is perhaps the biggest fall out of the six-month old project supported by AmplifyChange:
has the potential to revolutionise the capturing and documentation of SRHR violations in Nigeria. The application developed has the capacity to analyse trends, desegregate data by types of violation, age, geographic location, etc.
CSOs and other bodies working in same sector have expressed the desire to key into our documentation tool. We intend to share the password for them to upload such information, subject to conditions we are yet to develop.
The Tool as shown below, has about 32 indicators and is open to CSOs to fill in data, which is then verified and pulled together. Analyses will be every quarter of a year beginning April 2017. Only accredited users will have access.
REPORTING FORM Case No: _________________ CSO’s name/SN/month/year
Date of interview:Is this a referral? Yes No Details of referee (Names/contact details):___________________________________________
Type of interview: Face-to-face Focus group Telephone In-writing Other:________________________Were the facts of the incident(s) verified? Yes No The facts will be verified at a later stage
INFORMATION RELATED TO THE INTERVIEWERName of the interviewer: Organisation:Contact (email/telephone):
INFORMATION RELATED TO THE INTERVIEWEE(S) Person who uses drugs Person living with HIV Sex worker Person with disability LGBTI Others :___________ Female Male Other Age (years): 0 to 5 6 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 40 ≥40 Occupation: Highest level of education: Marital status: LGA/State of usual residence: Contact details for further follow-up:
INFORMATION RELATED TO THE INCIDENT(S)Dates/period of incident(s):Where did the incident(s) happen? (Ward): (LGA): (State):What happened? (Describe briefly the facts):
How many people were directly affected by the incident(s)?
INFORMATION RELATED TO THE PERPETRATOR(S) State actor(s). Specify: ____________________________ Non-State actor(s). Specify:______________________________Age of perpetrator(s): 10 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 40 ≥40 Number of perpetrator(s):Faults/failures on the part of the perpetrator(s):
TYPE(S) OF VIOLATION(S) OF RIGHT(S) – (TICK THE APPLICABLE BOX(ES)): Abusive language/verbal abuse
Emotional and psychological abuse, including denial of love and attention
Forced financial dependence and economic abuse
Denial of the freedom to associate with others, including forced isolation or separation from family and friends
Denial of the freedom to express one’s sexuality
Invasion of bodily integrity and privacy, including anal examination, forced public parading, gender insensitive bodily examination
Medical tests without informed consent, including pregnancy, STIs and HIV tests
Forced medical procedure (e.g. forced sterilisation, forced caesarean section, genital mutilations, forced rehabilitation)
Forced abortion
Denial of the right to decide whether to have children, the number of children and the spacing of children
Denial of quality, timely and safe maternal health services (pre-, during and post-natal care and delivery, including prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV)
Denial of quality health care, including care provided by qualified healthcare providers and care that is medically appropriate
Forced marriage
Denial of family life, including undue interference by family members and relatives
Unlawful denial of child custody
Harmful traditional or religious practices, including community cleansing, excommunication, forced deliverance
Breach of confidentiality over health information and medical records
Denial of SRH commodities (circle as applicable): family planning and contraception; STIs screening and treatment; condoms; lubricants; pregnancy tests; emergency contraception; post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PeP); medicines for post-abortion treatment and care; sexual dysfunction treatment, fertility treatment
Limited physical access to SRH commodities and services, such as physical accessibility or interpretation for people with a disability; reasonable geographical location; etc.
Denial of affordable SRH commodities and services
Denial of accurate information on sexual and reproductive health, including family planning education
Denial of comprehensive sexual education
Denial of SRH rights-related legal literacy
Denial of housing or eviction on grounds such as sex work, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy and HIV status
Unlawful employment practices, including termination of employment, on grounds such as sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy and HIV status
Denial of access to an institution of learning, on grounds such as sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy and HIV status
Failure to protect personal security and safety
Unlawful denial of freedom of movement
Unlawful forced detention
Physical abuse, including assault, torture and battery
Harassment, including sexual harassment and stalking
Sexual exploitation, including sextortion (i.e. withholding what is due in exchange for images of a sexual nature, sexual favours, or money)
Others (Specify):_______________________________________Applicable legislation or relevant policy(ies) (if any in the State):